Nunca Es Suficiente

  1. #1

    Nunca es suficiente para mí

    It's never enough for me

  2. #2

    Porque siempre quiero más de ti

    Because I always want more from you

  3. #3

    Yo quisiera hacerte más feliz

    I would like to make you happier

  4. #4

    Hoy, mañana, siempre, hasta el fin

    Today, tomorrow, always, until the end

  1. #5

    Mi corazón estalla por tu amor

    My heart bursts from your love

  2. #6

    Y tú, ¿qué crees? ¿Que esto es muy normal?

    And what do you believe? That this is very normal?

  3. #7

    Acostumbrado estás tanto al amor

    You are so used to love

  4. #8

    Que no lo ves, yo nunca he estado así

    You don't see it, I've never been like this

  1. #9

    Si de casualidad

    If by chance

  2. #10

    Me ves llorando un poco

    You see me crying a little

  3. #11

    Es porque yo te quiero a ti

    It’s because I love you

  1. #12

    Y tú te vas, jugando a enamorar

    And you go, playing at falling in love

  2. #13

    Todas las ilusiones vagabundas que se dejan alcanzar

    All the wandering illusions let themselves be reached

  3. #14

    Y no verás que lo que yo te ofrezco

    And you will not see that what I offer you

  4. #15

    Es algo incondicional

    Is something unconditional

  1. #16

    Y tú te vas, jugando a enamorar

    And you go, playing at falling in love

  2. #17

    Te enredas por las noches

    You get tangled up at night

  3. #18

    Entre historias que nunca tienen final

    Between stories that never have an end

  4. #19

    Te perderás dentro de mis recuerdos

    You will get lost inside my memories

  5. #20

    Por haberme hecho llorar

    For having made me cry

  1. #21

    Nunca es suficiente para mí

    It's never enough for me

  2. #22

    Porque siempre quiero más de ti

    Because I always want more from you

  3. #23

    No ha cambiado nada mi sentir

    My feelings have not changed at all

  4. #24

    Aunque me haces mal, te quiero aquí

    Even though you do me wrong, I want you here

  1. #25

    Mi corazón estalla de dolor

    My heart bursts with pain

  2. #26

    ¿Cómo evitar que se fracture en mil?

    How to stop it from breaking into a thousand pieces?

  3. #27

    Acostumbrado estás tanto al amor

    You don't see it, I've never been like this

Natalia Lafourcade

Natalia Lafourcade

From Veracruz, Mexico, Natalia Lafourcade's long and renowned career as a singer, songwriter and producer began in 1998. Her music explores pop, rock and folk Latin sounds.